
Image of Photo of Philosophy student



The most exciting element of the Philosophy course for me is the wide variety of topics it covers, bringing together aspects from a whole range of diverse subjects. In one week I could be working through a set of logic questions, writing an essay about Mill's thoughts on feminism, and attending lectures on personal identity and utilitarianism! This diversity in the course makes it an incredibly engaging and continuously fascinating subject to study.

As well as giving me the chance to develop an array of practical, transferable skills, such as how to analyse and find flaws in an argument, it has also enabled me to develop my reading and essay writing skills. The Philosophy course has made me challenge every idea I hold and the one to one supervisions are a great opportunity to discuss these subjects in an incredibly stimulating environment, encouraging me to develop my thoughts more deeply, interrogate my beliefs and preconceptions, and question my very existence!

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    I chose to study Engineering at Cambridge because I really enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-level (Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Economics), and I liked the practical side of the Engineering course at Cambridge. The Cambridge course differs from other Universities as you are taught General Engineering for the first two years, after which you specialise into your chosen branch of Engineering. This attracted me to the course as it means that you get a basic understanding of all types of engineering (Mechanical, Structural, Electrical etc) before having to...

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    Natural Sciences (Biological)

    I am a second year Natural Scientist at ¹ú²ú¸»¶þ´ú studying biochemistry, cell and developmental biology and chemistry. I was particularly drawn to this course as it offers a wide range of both physical and biological subjects, with the opportunity to increasingly specialise over the years. For me studying in this multidisciplinary environment has been hugely beneficial and will be a great advantage for later research. For Natural Science students, a lot of the contact time is at the University level. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to meet people...

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    Natural Sciences (Biological)
  • Photo of Chemical Engineering student


    Chemical Engineering

    I chose to study Chemical Engineering at ¹ú²ú¸»¶þ´ú, mainly because I thoroughly enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-Level (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, and Physics). The course was a natural combination of everything that I’d studied so far, and I’d decided that I wanted a practical career within industry. The course at Cambridge is different to the course at many other universities across the country; rather than immediately studying Chemical Engineering, you choose to study either General Engineering or Natural Sciences in your first year. You’re taught and...

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    Chemical Engineering
  • Photo of Archaeology student



    Studying Archaeology at Jesus has been a fantastic experience. For the last three years, I have been able to choose from an enormous range of papers, allowing me to tailor the course to my personal areas of interest. Throughout this, I have benefited from the continued support of (among other brilliant academic staff in College) an archaeologically-specialised Director of Studies and a well stocked archaeology section in the College library, meaning I rarely need to borrow from the department. ¹ú²ú¸»¶þ´ú also offers a range of travel and study grants...

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  • Photo of Computer Science student


    Computer Science

    I joined Jesus in 2011 to read Computer Science. At school I had done a lot of mathematics, so the theoretical nature of the Cambridge course appealed to me. As well as a strong theoretical grounding, however, the course gives a thorough introduction to many practical aspects early on, such as chip design and a variety of programming languages. There are plenty of opportunities later in the course to expand on these, and the result is an education that is both wide ranging and in depth. I took a particular...

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    Computer Science