
Image of Photo of History student



Before applying, I thought it was far out of my reach, that Cambridge was only for naturally gifted geniuses, but after I started studying I realised that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The vast majority of people here work hard and love their subject, by far the most important factors for making the most of studying your subject at university. Jesus has a really strong contingent of historians sitting a range of papers, so we all give each other help and advice as well as learning from academic staff. It’s an added bonus getting to study in such beautiful historical buildings!

Cambridge really is one of the best universities in the world to study history - the resources, libraries, and teaching staff available to undergraduates are unparalleled.

Hear from our students

  • Photo of Chemical Engineering student


    Chemical Engineering

    I chose to study Chemical Engineering at ¹ú²ú¸»¶þ´ú, mainly because I thoroughly enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-Level (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, and Physics). The course was a natural combination of everything that I’d studied so far, and I’d decided that I wanted a practical career within industry. The course at Cambridge is different to the course at many other universities across the country; rather than immediately studying Chemical Engineering, you choose to study either General Engineering or Natural Sciences in your first year. You’re taught and...

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    Chemical Engineering
  • Photo of Materials science student


    Natural Sciences (Physical)

    Studying a science option within the Natural Sciences Tripos provides an excellent opportunity to achieve a solid grounding in the core physical or biological sciences, as well as exploring new or different options that you may not have encountered at school. I have just finished my third year specialising in Materials Science at Jesus after studying Physics and Chemistry for the first two years. The ability to experience different options and tailor my direction of study especially appealed to me as I did not know what I wanted to specialise...

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    Natural Sciences (Physical)
  • Photo of Architecture student



    Architecture at Cambridge is centred around studio work, where a design project is compiled into a final portfolio. My projects have varied greatly, with tutors from various architectural practices providing different insights into the design process. I have approached architecture both from the scale of the private room, investigating spaces through filmic and literary precedents, and from the scale of the city in a collaborative and realistic masterplan that takes into account socioeconomic and cultural issues within a community. The research based ethos of the department is evident in the...

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  • Photo of Geography student



    Geography at Cambridge is a hugely diverse course, which allows you to obtain a wider grasp on the world. The knowledge and skills gained from topics within both human and physical geography can complement a huge range of jobs! My favourite topic so far has been the Earth, as I find Volcanology incredibly interesting, although Geopolitics has also caught my eye. Next term we’ll be carrying out a project on air quality, which will involve data collection and practical application of our statistics modules. When I visited Cambridge on an...

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  • Photo of student



    I chose to study Engineering at Cambridge because I really enjoyed the subjects that I studied at A-level (Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Economics), and I liked the practical side of the Engineering course at Cambridge. The Cambridge course differs from other Universities as you are taught General Engineering for the first two years, after which you specialise into your chosen branch of Engineering. This attracted me to the course as it means that you get a basic understanding of all types of engineering (Mechanical, Structural, Electrical etc) before having to...

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